Salvati-l pe Grivei is a Rumanian non-governmental organization and an OIPA member league association that has as first aim the promotion of sterilization campaigns for the large number of stray animals who live in Romania, especially those in Domnesti city (Ilfov County) where the association is placed and surrounding areas. 

A couple of weeks ago, Salvati-l pe Grivei was involved in the FIRST spaying and neutering campaign organized in collaboration with and sponsored by the Domnesti City Hall. The purpose of this campaign was not only to sterilize stray dogs and cats but also owned domestic animals in an effort to underline the importance of this practise, which is beneficial to safeguard animals and keep under control the increasing number of strays on the territory.

The association managed to spay & neuter 35 animals: 20 male stray and owned dogs, 10 female stray dogs caught on field and 5 cats. The activity could be carried out thanks to the precious support of three volunteers who helped with the catching and transportation of animals and the availability and constant cooperation of the clinic “Roxy Veterinary”.

You can continue to support the association Salvati-l pe Grivei and help them sterilize stray dogs and cats in Romania