Our member league Animal Rescue Cyprus, also known as the largest shelter on the island and the rest of the Eastern Mediterranean, is home to around 1400 animals rescued dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, goats and rabbits. The organization’s aim is to prevent animal cruelty and suffering, promote responsible pet ownership, educate people to respect animals and keep the number of strays on the island under control by spaying and neutering programme.

ARC offers FREE rescue service to animals reported dumped, poisoned, abused and neglected. Dedicated vehicles transfer them to the rescue centre in Paphots where first-aid medical care can be given. Many animals are often in need of urgent veterinary treatment, that’s why the vet team is available 24/7 in an effort to save as many lives as possible. The association also provides FREE Trap-Neuter-Release programme to all stray cats on the island and EDUCATIONAL programmes in schools to teach children and youth how to look after and care for animals and above all how to RESPECT them.


The work at the shelter and at the clinic never ends, but many times resources are too scarce and without help animals cannot survive. ARC staff and volunteers guarantee the daily running of the organization and ensure the wellbeing of animals, but it’s never enough!


If you want to help Animal Rescue Cyprus, check their website and FB page

You can also donate to us and support the project “Save a Stray”