Do you remember the story of Katy?

The female German shepherd rescued by our representative in Azerbaijan after being detained for 8 long years in a very small area and fed only with bread? Well, following a long period spent in a vet care facility where she was treated for health problems caused by the lack of care and her inadequate living conditions, she finally recovered well. Katy suffered also from pyometra, a uterine infection, for which she was taken to surgery for removing the infected uterus as well as the ovaries.

Thanks to your donations, you have contributed to help OIPA Azerbaijan pay treatments, examinations and foster for Katy.

But the best has yet to come….Katy has been adopted ❤️ and she now live happy with her beautiful mum and her new best friend! The happy conclusion we all have hoped for ❤️

If you want to help us write another happy end, continue to support 

Make a donation – specifying “OIPA Azerbaijan” or “Save a stray”

Read the story of Katy