This week we want to present another great example of volunteers and associations that, despite struggling in their Country, do never give up but continue to fight to help abandoned and homeless animals with the few resources they have available.
This is the story of Havin a volunteer of Lawir for Animals, an OIPA’s member league association, who operates in Kobani, a city located in Northern Syria. Havin and Lawir’s team spend all their free time rescuing animals in difficulties and trying, with their own means, to save as many lives as possible.
They go on the street to feed strays and they try to treat all the kind of sick and injured animals because in Kobani there is not a proper vet clinic where they can transfer those in need.
Their goal is to improve the living conditions of animals in Kobani, but to give them the opportunity of a better life they need help.
🙏 If you wish to help Havin and the association to buy vet surgical tools, medicine for treatments or food for strays left behind, write directly to 📧
📣 OIPA International will soon launch the campaign “SAVE A STRAY” 📣
Donations will be collected and used to start buying food, medicines, supplies and actively contribute to sterilization programme, surgical operation, medical treatment and whatever is necessary to help abandoned and stray animals in all those countries where they have no right and protection.