Rescued with her siblings in a coastal area nearby the city of Taranto, south Italy, Briciolina (aka Little Crumb) risked her life because of the abandonment and the early separation from the mother. Hospitalized in an emergency animal clinic the day after the rescue, she showed walking difficulties, blood in the stool and a severe hypothermia. Suddenly the temperature had dropped to 34 and she was in danger of not making it through the night.

OIPA volunteers did fear the worst, but thanks to her strength and the prompt care offered for weeks, Briciolina has finally started to eat alone and react, trying also to get on her “paws”. Thanks to a drug therapy suggested after a neurological examination, this little girl is making progress, but still cannot walk. She’d like to run and play like all puppies but after a few steps she falls down.

To offer her the hope of a better life, OIPA’s volunteers would like to undergo her to a CT scan and other specialist examinations to understand the origin of her walking difficulties, guaranteeing everything necessary to finally see her scurrying on her paws, but to do so they need help to cover the high costs of vet expenses.

Briciolina is only 2 months old but her will to live and survive is very impressive. To see her improving day by day is a pleasure for the volunteers who did their best to guarantee her survival.

Let’s help our “Little Crumb” all together!